Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Week 8 iMovie

I have visited the way back machine again this week and am blogging about an assignment from week 8 of the technology class. I have posted the video on Vimeo, but am not providing a link as it does have students in it and I don't want the world to see.
I have procrastinated on this assignment because I wanted to video something important, significant and meaningful. And while those things happen around us from time to time, I guess I am coming at this from someone who doesn't record myself and everyone of my BFF's on a daily basis. I'm coming at this from a father's perspective that chronicled the important times in my children and families lives with a Sony Handycam years ago.
That is one of the realizations I have come to in viewing the younger teachers in this class come in weekly and show a video they took that day or in the last week and I'm still trying to come up with something to video.
What I did record was a movie trailer for a new feature "Dawn of the Golfer." I can say that iMovie's movie trailer option is fun and easy to use. It took no more than 20 minutes to put it together and I am pleased with my first attempt. After my wife saw the results I am sure I will be putting one of these together for her in the very near future!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Week 14 e-Portfolio Review

Star date: 17 April 2012
Captain's blog: My mission is to explore the blog of at least two other classmates and review their e-Portfolio. My first discovery as not some desperate Klingon plan to destroy the Enslowprise, but that most of my fellow classmates haven't kept up with their blogs. This does provide some difficulty. So, I will arm the proton cannons and venture on where apparently few have gone before!
e-Portfolio's are valuable if they are kept up to date. They have the ability to to provide an assessment tool. There can be problems if the student doesn't have access to the internet other than in school. Any student that either is absent from school or doesn't finish in the time allotted in class.
A problem at Enslow is we don't always have technology for all of our students. While we have labs and COWs available, they are frequently used by other teachers or for testing.
The bottom line for me, is they are great, as long as they are practical. The same things can also be accomplished with paper and pencil in many cases.
Live long and prosper!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Week 13 Differentiation

I have a student that is exceptionally bright, but has issues with organization and mastering concepts quickly and then finding ways to entertain themselves (not always disruptive, but undesired). Below are two Apps that could help this student be successful:
The first App can help with the students organization. Students can enter assignments and due dates in the App and parents can follow up at home.


The second App can help direct the students endeavors and activities. Students can go to the PBS App and go further in depth in the topics you are discussing. 

Using these Apps we can help this student be successful and be engaged!

Week 12 Collaborative Presentation

Last week we looked at different collaborative presentations, including Prezi, SlideShare and Google Presentation. For this weeks assignment I am looking at Khan Academy's presentation style and its effectiveness.
This is the link to the economics activity that I reviewed:

The thing that makes this presentation effective that Khan gives real-world examples and presents then both visually and orally. Also, the learner can stop, rewind and listen to this multiple times. The App is useful for initial instruction and guided practice in the classroom, a.k.a. flipping the classroom.