Monday, January 30, 2012

Happy week all!
This weeks post asks me to talk about 21st Century learning skills in my classroom. Now I know we have discussed there is a difference between skills and tools, so I hope I have this clear.

I am gearing up for my Tech Steps project for my students. My students are going to be using I Pads to research a place for Governor Tomblin to lure a foreign company to build a plant. So students will be using Google and other search engines to look for counties with the available flat land and infrastructure to support a plant.

If my understanding holds, the I Pads would be tools and the searching would be skills. My students need to have the skill of being able to use the tool to get the information out that will benefit them.

If my understanding is incorrect, just let me know. The reason I am taking this class is to learn how to implement technology skills and tools in my classroom. The last technology class I took was during my teacher prep and we were taking video on Sony Mavica cameras with a CD ROM recording.  That was a huge step up from the Sony Handicam I was using with 8 mm cassettes!

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